Identity Theft Lessons

There are many identity theft lessons that we can learn from by reading the news and observing the mistakes others make. The best identity protection strategy is to always learn about the identity theft trends and analyze the causes, consequences and available identity protection options before we become victims of identity theft. The "Identity Diet" ebook provides many valuable information including identity protection principles, references to resources, and tips and explanations to protect your identity.

The identity theft lessons presented in the book are the results of many years of identity theft research and accumulation of expert analysis which are extensively discussed on "Never Pay For Credit Reports" is one of the identity theft lessons in the "Identity Diet" ebook. The book is full of useful tips and explanations to provide quick guidance in your identity protection efforts.

We live in a world where identity crime is on the rise due to many factors such as:

1- Our personal information is duplicated and shared at an alarming rate,
2- Our information is readily available on the Internet and elsewhere posted either by us or people we shared our information with,
3- As a society, we know little about identity theft and best ways to protect ourselves,
4- Identity crime is easy to commit, and
5- Downward economy forces people to commit identity theft.

Identity theft is constantly evolving and identity protection services such as identity monitoring are continuously improved to provide better services. When protecting one’s identity, consumers need to understand a few things:

1- Consumer actions have a lot to do with protecting their own identities. For example, owning too many credit cards increases the risk of identity theft,
2- Identity monitoring services alone can not solve all identity theft issues, and
3- Not a single market solution provides all the protection consumers need thus identity protection services must be carefully selected to provide comprehensive and integrated protection.

Therefore, it is very important that consumers understand the a) underlying causes of identity theft, b) available market solutions and their usefulness, and c) best identity protection practices to prevent, detect and resolve identity theft.

This unique and comprehensive identity theft protection book provides the latest information as well as the awareness and education that consumers need to start protecting their identities against unauthorized disclosure and fraud. The collection of identity theft lessons and recommendations in the book provides a digested format of the hundreds of articles which extensively discuss the identity theft issues in this website.

Note: The ebook is in PDF format and priced at $6.95. The purchased copy can be printed and shared within the same household but can not be distributed to others. For a multi-user license and discounts or to order hard copies of the book, please visit the Identity Diet website.