Identity Protection Tip of The Month

Control your urge for more credit - We all get an urge for more credit once in a while, but we have to analyze the reasons for our credit addiction and take the appropriate actions to prevent identity theft. Read the full article.

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Security Negligence
Information security negligence is a common occurrence although businesses are starting to slowly address business related information security risks.


If you want to interact with professionals concerned with identity theft, you can join the Identity Theft Group in LinkedIn which allows professionals exchange information about identity management, security and privacy. If you are an identity protection professional and would like to meet people with the same aspirations, please search for the group "Identity Theft" in LinkedIn and request to join.

Also, don’t forget to read my reviews of some identity protection services available in the market today before you select and sign up for an identity protection service. You can find the reviews and information about third party solutions including enrollment discounts in the Services section.

Thank You and Be Identity Safe,
Henry Bagdasarian