I have recently been asked a few times about the risks of expired passports as well as shared copies of passport pages with others. Although the risks of both scenarios are somewhat different, we need to apply the same stringent security measures to an expired passport as we apply to a valid passport. An expired passport which is not yet cancelled as reported lost or stolen can still be misused if it is in the wrong hands, especially if other identity components have also been stolen. Although our control over any information we share with others such in the case of shared passport pages with third parties including foreign hotels is somewhat limited, we still can and must protect an expired passport. Read this article for more information.

Recent Articles

Customer Role - Businesses must acknowledge the customer role as a business partner in the battle against identity fraud and provide the necessary customer awareness and education.

Deceased Identity Theft - Cases of deceased identity theft are abundant and family members of the dead or their friends must take all appropriate steps to prevent identity theft of their dead loved ones.

Influential Information Security Leader - I have identified the top three characteristics of an influential information security leader to be trust, credibility and reporting level within the organization.

Student Privacy - Educational institutions in the United States are struggling with student privacy and its legal requirements, student record protection and consequences of unauthorized privacy invasion.


The Identity Management Institute (IMI) has published the Certified Identity Protection Advisor ™ (CIPA) program overview and examination details. Download the PDF file.

Identity Theft Solutions

For identity protection consulting, seminars, lectures, workshops, and coaching, please visit Be Identity Safe .com for more information and any inquiry.

Thank You and Be Identity Safe,
Henry Bagdasarian
Founder and Editor