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Fraud Responsibility March 27, 2013 |
Hello Everyone, One of my friends called me a few days ago to ask about the next steps for resolving an identity theft case he had recently experienced. He had noticed that a couple of his checking accounts from the same financial institution were missing most of the deposits except for a few hundred dollars. After he contacted the bank to inquire about the disappeared money, he discovered that someone had opened a new account at the same bank in another State and transferred funds from his existing accounts to the new account which was emptied soon after in the same day the account was opened. To open a new account, the fraudster had used his social security number along with other personal information like name and address, and, forged his signature. Two questions were immediately raised in my head which were why the bank fraud prevention program did not detect the forged signature of an existing client as well as the suspicious out of State nature of this transaction, and, who could have access to his personal information and signature? The first question can only be answered by the bank and the answers to the second question are either the crime was committed or supported by someone who is very close to him or a bank insider which is more likely. In this case, there is not much that an identity theft victim could do other than to detect and notify the fraud as soon as possible, but a credit report freeze could also have been helpful to further prevent the bank from opening a new account. Although a forged signature may exonerate my friend from all responsibility, these types of identity fraud cases take longer to resolve because of the amount of personal information used to commit the crime which makes it harder to determine fraud responsibility and therefore, stolen money may not be credited back into the account immediately. The bank cameras and credible witnesses may also help my friend shift the fraud responsibility away from him by proving that he was not at the crime scene when this fraud occurred. Visit our identity theft blog to read recently posted articles. Until next time, be identity safe, Recent Blog Articles Identity Management Training Identity management training must be a required component of any effective identity risk management and compliance program which is managed centrally as much as possible. Credit Freeze Placing a credit or security freeze on your credit report provides a better protection against identity theft than typical fraud alerts. Learn about credit freeze benefits and disadvantages. Identity Theft Awareness Identity theft awareness is the starting point for managing identity theft because risk mitigation starts with risk education. 2012 Identity Theft This articles discusses the 2012 identity theft trends and how we can leverage the collected identity theft data to prevent the crime and minimize identity fraud costs. |
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